Post by Ella.
We did ramble well off the tourist-beaten path as we made our way to the Intercultural Museum yesterday, a rainy day. But a soft, mellow rain. Rain jackets would suffice but I borrowed the apartment’s umbrella and Grubb, of course, had brought his own.
We’re walking along, the streets start getting narrower, but lively. Small grocers, lines out the door at the fish market, second-hand clothes racks on the sidewalks. Grubb is navigating and opts for a short cut through a half set-up amusement park. Suddenly, Grubb takes off like a shot (and that’s a sight to see). He seems to remember that he’s not alone and turns to check where I am. Far behind at this point. He yells out “C’mon, we have to get outta here!”. Geesh, okay, okay.
I manage to catch up but he doesn’t want to stop to explain until we’ve arrived back on a street where there are lots of people. See Grubb’s post for all the news.
We manage to get to the Intercultural Museum which you might not find in any guidebooks but I thought worth a visit. The current exhibits are a time capsule of the future, and another on racism (I’m not a racist but…, was a common phrase). The Diversity exhibit consisted of small rooms that invited you in and posed question for you to ponder.
For the time capsule, we were each given an assignment log fastened to a clipboard. Each time period had a display and a name, like Beyond Tøyen or Reality ++. Each had two questions, mostly yes/no. Questions like: Have you ever used a robot (I think Roomba counts right?)? Or Have you ever seen a future world depicted in a movie or TV series? Or How many languages do you know. Write one word for each language where you know at least one word.