Post by Ella.
With colorful names like mouse-ear and flying saucer, these mostly deadly (when consumed by humans) fungi populate the damp forests of Devil’s Head and Moosehorn.
Seen on Tuesday during our hikes.
Mushrooms, while they might kill us, are a key ingredient in most ecosystems. They send mycelial threads down to help nourish the roots of nearby plants. The threads communicate through chemical signals. There was a great documentary, Fantastic Fungi, on how these fungi connect the underground network of forest life.
Of course there are a variety of these mushrooms that we CAN eat like say, creamy linguine with Charcoal Burner mushrooms, or roasted Black Trumpet mushrooms or your everyday spaghetti with out-of-the-can button mushrooms.
What’s your favorite mushroom dish? What’s the most exotic mushroom you’ve ever had?